What to Do Before Your Roof Replacement: Preparing Your Home

By LaBrusciano Roofing & Exteriors,

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what to do before your roof replacementHaving the roof replaced is often stressful for homeowners. Knowing what to do before your roof replacement can make things easier for the contractors and for your family.

What to Do Before Your Roof Replacement

Give Contractors Space to Do Their Job – The roofers will need a large, clear area to work. Before they arrive, put your vehicles in the garage or park them on the street or at a neighbor’s house. That will give the contractors enough room to unload materials near your house and put a dumpster in the driveway.

When workers remove old roofing materials, they’ll toss them from the roof to the dumpster. If something misses the dumpster, it can damage your patio furniture or toys that your children left in the yard. Remove anything that might get damaged from the area around the house.

Remove Breakable Objects from Walls – The banging of hammers creates enough force to make walls vibrate. Anything that’s hanging on a wall, such as artwork or mirrors, can fall down and get damaged or destroyed. As a precaution, take everything off the walls before roofing contractors arrive at your house.

Close Windows and Doors – The roof replacement process stirs up a lot of dust. If dust gets inside your house, it can create a mess and make life unpleasant for anyone who has allergies or asthma. Make sure that all windows and doors are closed while contractors are working on your roof. Remember to close any windows and doors in the garage to protect your vehicles, tools, and lawncare equipment.

Cover Belongings in the Attic – When contractors remove old roofing materials, your attic will temporarily be exposed, and dust and debris can get inside. If you have items in the attic that aren’t stored in boxes or containers, cover them with cloths or tarps before workers come to replace your roof.

Trust the Pros at LaBrusciano

LaBrusciano Roofing & Exteriors has shown a commitment to customer satisfaction since the company was established in 2009. We can give you a quote for a new roof and tell you more about what to do before your roof replacement. Contact us today at (610)624-8850 to get an estimate for your project.